Five Must-Have Supplies For An Entertaining Pizza Party

Pizza will always be considered a standard party food. In fact, a pizza can be the highlight of a get-together between yourself, your roommates, and a group of hungry friends. 

If you've got a special occasion coming up but you want to maintain a casual atmosphere, a pizza party is the perfect solution. Make your party go as smoothly and enjoyably as possible by having the following five supplies planned out beforehand.  

A "conversation piece" pizza

While the appeal of a classic pizza pie will never die, it doesn't hurt to try something new. This is especially true if it's a special occasion and you're hosting a party.

Give your guests a new experience and try some creative pizza options like a stuffed crust pizza or an unfamiliar topping combination. If you really want to be creative, you can buy some unusual toppings at the store so that you can think beyond standard pizza restaurant offerings. 


Expect guests to arrive hungry. If you're ordering pizza online, there will be some downtime while you're waiting for the pizza to arrive. Guests will appreciate having something to snack on in the meantime. Choose appetizer options that will be tasty but not too filling to avoid spoiling appetites before the main course arrives. 

Pre-loaded television entertainment

It's pretty lame when you're out at a get-together and everyone has to wait for the movie selection to download. 

Do everything you can before your party to have television viewing options available that will be ready at the click of a button. If you can pre-load programs and movies so that there will be no risk of buffering breaks, you'll be hailed by all as a savvy party planner. 

A camera

Relive the fun afterwards with photo viewing. Everybody may have a camera on their cell phone, but you'll get better images if you plan for photo ops beforehand and have a real digital camera available. 

Comfy and adequate seating

Ideally, a party should attract added guests as the night goes on. So don't underestimate attendance and leave guests standing around uncomfortably when it's time to eat. 

If you're worried about having enough seating and you don't have comfortable carpeting for sitting on the floor, consider stocking up on some simple seating solutions like folding chairs or bean bag chairs. If you're throwing a party last minute, consider borrowing from neighbors if you're on a friendly basis with them. 

For more information about getting the best pizza, visit websites like
